I hope that I feel like I can truly exhale soon. Things have been soooo hectic around here! I'll feel much better after this weekend I hope! I've finally decided to let you all in on the little secret that I've been keeping...why I haven't been around!
What has been dividing my attention the most...I've moved from Tabatha's house! To Tabatha's basement
(yes, I live in my sister's basement
) I've been living with Tab for the better part of a year. DH lost his job almost a year ago so we moved here to get back on our feet. Then he joined the Army and it just made sense for the kids and I to stay so we weren't alone! Of course that got a little snug once David came home, but we were making do.
Then the 81 year old man who had been renting the basement apartment for the last 10+ years decided he was going to move in with his daughter, so it became free. At first we didn't think it was inhabitable for a family (he was a bachelor and he didn't keep it up) but we have spent all week working on it. David, me, my stepmom and my brother have busted tail while Tab was watching all five kids last week. We painted the walls, laid new carpet, steam cleaned area rugs and one room of existing carpet, had a fridge delivered (Robert used a mini fridge), put new locks and deadbolts in, painted the washer and dryer, painted cabinets, drywalled, unboarded windows, repaired subflooring, fixed leaks, put in a new toilet, drove to Ohio and got all of our things from storage, and moved in. It took nine 14-hour days but we did it. We have our own space, we're out of Tab's hair, but we can still be close (really close!), the kids can still grow up together, we can still live with an extremely low overhead and everyone is happy
Tab and I have have an intercom feature on our two-handset phone so we can chat when we need something 
So that's the rest of the story, why I haven't had ANY computer time lately!
There are some other things going on too, though~! It looks like David will be leaving March 30th for truck driving school, so I'm adjusting to that. He's found a job with a good trucking company and they'll pay for his school since he's a veteran. He'll only be gone 3 weeks for school, but of course he'll miss Easter :( and then....he'll be on the road 10 days and home 2, I believe. Not terrible but we'll miss him just the same. Way better than being gone 100% of the time when he was in the Army though! I'll feel much better about this this afternoon when his "leave" date is finalized. Until he's out of school we have no major income coming in, so we're anxious to get through this patch!
I have another doctor's appointment this afternoon, and I'd sure appreciate any positive thoughts about that. We're going to be discussing my biopsy and the options that are my courses of treatment.
Sorry I was such a stranger, I'll try to update a little more often ;)
What has been dividing my attention the most...I've moved from Tabatha's house! To Tabatha's basement

Then the 81 year old man who had been renting the basement apartment for the last 10+ years decided he was going to move in with his daughter, so it became free. At first we didn't think it was inhabitable for a family (he was a bachelor and he didn't keep it up) but we have spent all week working on it. David, me, my stepmom and my brother have busted tail while Tab was watching all five kids last week. We painted the walls, laid new carpet, steam cleaned area rugs and one room of existing carpet, had a fridge delivered (Robert used a mini fridge), put new locks and deadbolts in, painted the washer and dryer, painted cabinets, drywalled, unboarded windows, repaired subflooring, fixed leaks, put in a new toilet, drove to Ohio and got all of our things from storage, and moved in. It took nine 14-hour days but we did it. We have our own space, we're out of Tab's hair, but we can still be close (really close!), the kids can still grow up together, we can still live with an extremely low overhead and everyone is happy

So that's the rest of the story, why I haven't had ANY computer time lately!
There are some other things going on too, though~! It looks like David will be leaving March 30th for truck driving school, so I'm adjusting to that. He's found a job with a good trucking company and they'll pay for his school since he's a veteran. He'll only be gone 3 weeks for school, but of course he'll miss Easter :( and then....he'll be on the road 10 days and home 2, I believe. Not terrible but we'll miss him just the same. Way better than being gone 100% of the time when he was in the Army though! I'll feel much better about this this afternoon when his "leave" date is finalized. Until he's out of school we have no major income coming in, so we're anxious to get through this patch!
I have another doctor's appointment this afternoon, and I'd sure appreciate any positive thoughts about that. We're going to be discussing my biopsy and the options that are my courses of treatment.
Sorry I was such a stranger, I'll try to update a little more often ;)
Whew, that is a lot! Make sure you take the time to just do something fo "you" ;)
Congrats on your husbands new Job! Hope all works out for you and your family, you will get back on your feet~
Ok, I got tired reading your post, lol! Congratulations on getting your own space! And I love the fact that your kids will be growing up together. My kids and my brother's kids are so close in age, it's a cinch taking care of them!
Family and health comes first, scrapping and blogging comes second. I´m sending you all the best vibes, and hope everything goes well at the doctor. HUGS!
You've been busy! I wish David luck in his new endeavor. I'm the first generation in my family on both sides to not be a truck driver. Congrats on the apartment too. Like you said, you're still close, but you have your own space now.
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