What is it about our children's birthdays that make us sentimental? Including their birth days, I've experienced 17 birthdays between my 3 children now. Every one of them leaves me sad that the time has gone by so fast, and excited for their futures all at the same time. In the last few years since I've been blogging, my sentimental walk down memory lane has been accompanied with a sappy blog post and photos. This one is no different :P
2 years ago I was about to pop with the biggest of my 3 children. When Naomi was born a month early, she was only 5 lbs. But Parker was born almost a month early and there was no way he was going to be a tiny baby! :)

The circumstances surrounding my birth were actually a bit stressful and I don't like to dwell on all of the details, but suffice it to say it was a sigh of relief to get in the operating room and get ready to meet my bubby! After being hospitalized for a few days prior, my doctor took Parker the day I turned 37 weeks due to a nasty spike in blood pressure.

He had to spend a few days in the NICU because of low blood sugar. Naomi had the same problem; they even stayed in the same isolette and had some of the same nurses!

Of course the next year flew by with all of the amazing milestones that the first year brings. And before we knew it, Parker was enjoying his first birthday donut! In a tradition borrowed from my dear friend Ashlee, we give the kids a birthday donut on their special day and the cake waits for the party day. They get to open one present on their big day and the rest waits for their party.

Parker has always been a happy rambunctious boy and 1 was no different. He made a very fun one-year-old! He was very active and smart and inquisitive. And SO sweet. He gives the sweetest snuggles and kisses!

And while I said Parker's first year of life flew by, I'd be lying if I said the last year has. Thanks to a crazy year of personal highs and lows, the last year with my kiddos has felt like much longer...but in a good way! Parker is a busy, fun two-year-old!
Yesterday morning he got to experience his second annual birthday donut!

Though, I think he was a bit apprehensive about the fire.

Once the candles were removed, he made pretty quick work of demolishing his treat!

And then it was time for the presents!

At 2, Parker is a good sleeper, a good eater and an all-around good boy. He's as sweet as ever, very curious about how things work, and absolutely loves phones. He fights with Naomi like siblings do, and he tries to imitate almost everything anyone says. He is in 2 hours of speech therapy a week, is healthy except for some ear problems, and is a VERY big boy! I'm a very lucky mom. Happy Birthday, big boy! :)
2 years ago I was about to pop with the biggest of my 3 children. When Naomi was born a month early, she was only 5 lbs. But Parker was born almost a month early and there was no way he was going to be a tiny baby! :)

The circumstances surrounding my birth were actually a bit stressful and I don't like to dwell on all of the details, but suffice it to say it was a sigh of relief to get in the operating room and get ready to meet my bubby! After being hospitalized for a few days prior, my doctor took Parker the day I turned 37 weeks due to a nasty spike in blood pressure.

He had to spend a few days in the NICU because of low blood sugar. Naomi had the same problem; they even stayed in the same isolette and had some of the same nurses!

Of course the next year flew by with all of the amazing milestones that the first year brings. And before we knew it, Parker was enjoying his first birthday donut! In a tradition borrowed from my dear friend Ashlee, we give the kids a birthday donut on their special day and the cake waits for the party day. They get to open one present on their big day and the rest waits for their party.

Parker has always been a happy rambunctious boy and 1 was no different. He made a very fun one-year-old! He was very active and smart and inquisitive. And SO sweet. He gives the sweetest snuggles and kisses!

And while I said Parker's first year of life flew by, I'd be lying if I said the last year has. Thanks to a crazy year of personal highs and lows, the last year with my kiddos has felt like much longer...but in a good way! Parker is a busy, fun two-year-old!
Yesterday morning he got to experience his second annual birthday donut!

Though, I think he was a bit apprehensive about the fire.

Once the candles were removed, he made pretty quick work of demolishing his treat!

And then it was time for the presents!

At 2, Parker is a good sleeper, a good eater and an all-around good boy. He's as sweet as ever, very curious about how things work, and absolutely loves phones. He fights with Naomi like siblings do, and he tries to imitate almost everything anyone says. He is in 2 hours of speech therapy a week, is healthy except for some ear problems, and is a VERY big boy! I'm a very lucky mom. Happy Birthday, big boy! :)
Happy Birthday Parker!! Isn't it great to look back? Then again, it makes you sad to know that they are growing up so fast.
what cursive font do you use, that was under the pictures? i love it! cute pics and entry was very beautiful!
hey i love your designs and wondered what font you use under your pics! you can email me at easternshoregoose@gmail.com and check out my own design blog: www.thesonshinestudio.blogspot.com/
Happy Birthday, Parker!
What font did you use under you pics??? I love it!
You can email me @ tcscrapper at mac dot com.
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