So I had TWO of my blogger friends challenge me yesterday....and since there were two of them I figured I had better comply or I might get beat up! So here you go Tracy and Amy...
The challenge was to go into your photos folder, choose the sixth subfolder and sixth photo, then post it and write a description.
This photo actually has a backstory :) In May 2007, David won a vacation to San Francisco through his work, but we needed a significant amount of spending money to have fun in a city as pricey as that. I decided to go back to work for awhile. A few days after putting Naomi in daycare, they asked for a photo of her to put on the wall where all the kids' photos were, so I took her outside after work one day for a mini photo shoot on t3I ended up using, but this was number 6 :) Shortly after returning from San Francisco in August I stopped working...work + infant didn't feel right for me.
I'll challenge these girls to play along:
Have fun girls :)
And here is my 365 photo for yesterday, though it's not all doctored up with frame and date and such like normal. Things have been a bit more nuts than usual the last 24 hours and there's no time. But little Parkerkins has pneumonia so here he is with his new nebulizer for breathing treatments. The albuterol made him a bit jittery at first and he played till almost 10 pm, which is of course a gross detour from our normal routine...so here at 9:30 a.m., the baby who is normall up at 6:30, is still sleeping peacefully next to me.
Have a great day, all!
Awwww - I'm so sorry Parker is sick! Hope he feels better soon. Your pictures are adorable!
Great photos. I hope your little one gets better quickly.
Great photos! So sorry that Parker is sick. Hope that he starts feeling better soon!
Poor wee man (as we say here!).
Lovely photo of him though, despite him being sick.
Ahh, poor little guy. Hope he gets to feeling better soon.
ahw little Parker I hope he feels better soon, wonderful photos
I`m so sorry that sweet Parker is sick, hopes he gets well soon :)
Great photo!
Great photos! I hope Parker is getting all better!
I wish him a quick recovery. These pictures are sweet. I can tell he was well taken care of.
Sorry your little guy is sick. I hope he feels better soon!
Awwww look at him with the duck mask!!! your photo for the tag game is just adorable! I'd love to scrap your kids - they are so cute! I miss having little ones around!!
Love top photo it is adorable! And hope that Parker is feeling better real soon.
I hope the Jennifer you tagged isn't me because someone already did that and I am going to post it tomorrow! I guess I'll have to take Eve off my list and add someone else now too. LOL That is a cute picture of Naomi! I remember you getting ready to go to San Francisco!
OMG, LMAO I JUST tagged you on my blog with the exact same challenge LOL I guess I should have stopped by to read here first! LOL
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