So here is my little catch up from P365...
01.03.09-Too Sick To Go Home
I was supposed to return Nathaniel to his dad in Ohio today after having him for Christmas break today, but he was hit with a case of the sickies and was too ill to travel. He napped all afternoon.

01.04.09-Pieces of You:
David is back in Misourri, Nathaniel is back in Ohio. When I did the laundry today and folded their clothes, it made me miss them both so much.

Do you have some prayers to spare for our family? After Nathan had the sickies, Naomi got it and seems to be over the worst...bust last night Parker only slept two hours and I finally took him to the ER at 4 this morning. He has a "probable" ear infection (wouldn't sit still for her to have a 100% diagnosis, he has what looks like strep but tested to NOT be strep, and he also has a yeast infection on his poor bottom and wee-wee. No wonder the widdle guy was miserable...he's being assaulted from all directions...he's finally sleeping now and I have to take him in for the Ped to double check the ear and throat later today. We appreciate your prayers!
Poor Bubba! Hope he feels better soon :(
ps...cant wait to scrap with your kit ;)
Poor little guy! Will def. say a prayer!
SO sorry to hear about all the sickies! :( What a night! Hope you're all able to rest up today and will be feeling LOTS better soon!
OMG...poor little guy! I'll definitely keep him in my thoughts. I hope he gets better soon.
Poor kidlets!!
Your Pieces of You picture is too sweet!
Oh no! :( I'm so sorry to hear that everyone's been (and is) sick!! Lots of thoughts and prayers for you and I hope everyone is feeling better asap!
Ah, poor Parker! I hope he feels better soon!
Poor baby, I hope he gets to feeling better soon!
Awww, poor kiddos, and poor Mom! I hope everyone is feeling better soon!
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