Today my big sister turns 30.
She's sad, but there's nothing to be sad about.
For 30 whole years, she's been blessing all of the lives around her.
I want to tell you about Tabatha.
Tabatha and I are very close in age. As a matter of fact, in one year and three weeks I will be turning 30 myself ;)
When we were very very young (3 and 2) our parents divorced and we were split up. My mom married a military man and my mom, stepdad and I traveled the world. Tabatha stayed in Kentucky with our dad. She was raised by our grandparents and set down strong roots here in KY.
We knew of each other but never were able to see each other until we were 17 and 18 respectively.
Wow. I know huh? Not a lot of people know that. It's no secret, it's just that it doesn't come up in common conversation.
We have spent the last 12 years making up for lost time!
We are about as close as two people can be.
And here are a gazillion reasons I love Tabatha.
1. Because even in 1998 we were a TON alike. We had never grown up together, but we liked the same things, said the same things, and wanted the same things.

2. Because she forgives me when I chase her around the apartment with a butter knife.

3. Because she loves my friends.

4. Because she loves my kids.

5. Because she gives good kisses ;)

6. And she puts up with me making her take photos with me.

7. She is very patient!

8. She is honest. Amazingly honest. One time, she had stopped working for a company. Six months later they sent a check for a recent holiday, one that she hadn't worked. Did she cash it? No, it wasn't her money. Did she send it back to the company? No, she didn't want to get the person in trouble who had accidentally cut the check. She just simply shredded it. I've just never met someone so honest and concerned about others.
9. She is shy. Soooo shy. Like will let me talk on the phone for her shy.
10. She is SO funny. She can make me laugh when no one else can.
11. She wants everyone to be happy. If you are having a down day, she does anything she can to cheer you up.
12. She is an amazing scrapper.
See her Gallery if you don't believe me.
13. She has experienced more pain in her 30 years than some experience in a lifetime, and she doesn't complain about it.
14. She didn't grow up with a loving, soft mother figure in her life...and yet she is the most loving and softhearted person I know.
15. She puts up with Me. Enough said.
16. She is old enough to be life....but not hard enough to have given up on it .... on love.... on life...
17. She is a REALLY good cook!
18. She makes no excuses for who she is.
19. She takes care of two special needs in and day out, and only grumbles a little.
20. She'll share anything with anyone. Except she won't share Oreos. But can you blame her?
21. She sings. Often. Loud. And Pretty Good!
22. She'll drop what she's doing to ride to the store with me. In her jammies. At midnight.
23. She lets me call her "hooker" and doesn't bat an eyelash.
24. She's ever the peacemaker.
25. She is the most fun to be around!
26. She can down a margarita better than anyone I know.
27. She doesn't watch scary movies when I'm around.
28. She goes without so that she can provide for her kids.
29. She forgave me....for that one thing I did that one time...
30. Because I could write 30 more things....

(yes, I made this cake for you. Sorry it doesn't look prettier. I'll be upstairs with it in a little bit...along with your birthday donut!)