What are your kids reading this summer, bloggers?
Parker is LOVING these chubby board books by Joanna Walsh. He's starting to get to the age where he actually will sit and look at one instead of trying to put it in his mouth.
His favorite reading buddy is his papa.
Now Naomi? This girl is crazy about Dora. Her favorite is Dora Climbs Star Mountain. There is this one part at the end where they have to clean up "green goo". Naomi giggles like crazy. Apparently there is no word in the English language funnier to a two year old than "goo".

She now knows most of her colors and can count to ten, and I attribute this to book reading (and tv-watching, *gasp* )
Nathan loves any Matt Christopher book. He writes about sports and I've found hockey, soccer, baseball, even skateboarding...but Nathan's favorites are the football ones. He just got done reading Halfback Attack and The Team That Couldn't Lose. They are chapter books and are about 100 pages each. I'm so proud of my reader!
I did this layout last week of him working through his summer reading list.

I scrapped it with the new kit that Tabatha and I designed called Bookworm. It is on sale for $1 today at Elemental Scraps!

Also we are giving away these free bookmark printables in our newsletter today! All you have to do is sign up for our newsletter if you aren't already. We put a freebie in our newsletter every week!
I'd LOVE to hear what books your kids can't get enough of right now! We are always looking to expand our horizons!
Have a great Monday bloggers!
Parker is LOVING these chubby board books by Joanna Walsh. He's starting to get to the age where he actually will sit and look at one instead of trying to put it in his mouth.

His favorite reading buddy is his papa.

Now Naomi? This girl is crazy about Dora. Her favorite is Dora Climbs Star Mountain. There is this one part at the end where they have to clean up "green goo". Naomi giggles like crazy. Apparently there is no word in the English language funnier to a two year old than "goo".

She now knows most of her colors and can count to ten, and I attribute this to book reading (and tv-watching, *gasp* )

Nathan loves any Matt Christopher book. He writes about sports and I've found hockey, soccer, baseball, even skateboarding...but Nathan's favorites are the football ones. He just got done reading Halfback Attack and The Team That Couldn't Lose. They are chapter books and are about 100 pages each. I'm so proud of my reader!

I did this layout last week of him working through his summer reading list.

I scrapped it with the new kit that Tabatha and I designed called Bookworm. It is on sale for $1 today at Elemental Scraps!

Also we are giving away these free bookmark printables in our newsletter today! All you have to do is sign up for our newsletter if you aren't already. We put a freebie in our newsletter every week!
I'd LOVE to hear what books your kids can't get enough of right now! We are always looking to expand our horizons!
Have a great Monday bloggers!
My dd is reading Jurassic Park and Gone With the Wind!
My 8yo son just loves reading in general. He's currently chomping at the bit for the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book. Barnes and Noble has a program if your child reads 8 books they get to go in and pick one off the list free. Details are on their website. We just went in for our free book "the Enormous Egg."
My 2yo only likes books with pictures of trucks and heavy machinery right now.
My 8yo son just loves reading in general. He's currently chomping at the bit for the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book. Barnes and Noble has a program if your child reads 8 books they get to go in and pick one off the list free. Details are on their website. We just went in for our free book "the Enormous Egg."
My 2yo only likes books with pictures of trucks and heavy machinery right now.
I have no idea what they're reading since they're all grown up & living on their own! But I'm grateful that I always read to them, and had lots of books around to read. Although they weren't much into reading when they were little, they are all avid readers as adults. I have 4 kids, and one grandchild who loves books!
Great to encourage their reading.
My 11 year old daughter loves Jacqueline Wilson books.
My 9 year old loves Humphrey the Hamster stories
My 4 year old - anything with Mickey Mouse and friends.
my son love to read too, I made him a book mark yesterday. But I have download yours too, thank you. You can't get enough of bookmarks :) I'm sure my son will love them too.
I have got the kit too. I'm a big fan of your goodies. I think I soon have them all *blush*
have a fantastic day
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