I think there comes a time in every mother's life when the thing that would make her happier than anything else in the world.....
would be a full-night's sleep.
That's all, I'm just a wee bit worn down...though I am working on it. Going to bed right when the kids do helps, but that's not a realistic expectation for every night...more like once or twice a week, kwim? Parker sleeps from 9-4 generally, but then he's up at 4, 6, 7, etc...it's somewhat unpredictable, but it's more like he's taking little naps after his 'big sleep'. As he is pushing 5 months old I'm hoping it will start stretching just a wee bit longer. If that were my only concern I'd be fine, but Naomi wakes up a lot too. She is just fussy and whiney and never has slept all that well. She's always been a really light sleeper like me.
Anyway, caught this picture of them in their jammies the other morning after they woke up...wanted to share...I can't believe how alike they are sometimes! :p

would be a full-night's sleep.
That's all, I'm just a wee bit worn down...though I am working on it. Going to bed right when the kids do helps, but that's not a realistic expectation for every night...more like once or twice a week, kwim? Parker sleeps from 9-4 generally, but then he's up at 4, 6, 7, etc...it's somewhat unpredictable, but it's more like he's taking little naps after his 'big sleep'. As he is pushing 5 months old I'm hoping it will start stretching just a wee bit longer. If that were my only concern I'd be fine, but Naomi wakes up a lot too. She is just fussy and whiney and never has slept all that well. She's always been a really light sleeper like me.
Anyway, caught this picture of them in their jammies the other morning after they woke up...wanted to share...I can't believe how alike they are sometimes! :p

It is so hard when they are little, seems like you get no rest! They are darling!
Hang in there Lena! I hope you get some good quality rest very soon, along with that car!
You've got a couple of real cuties there, Lena. But I do remember the days when all I wanted was one night that I could sleep straight through for 6 or 7 hours. Hope you get that soon!
Aw, I feel your pain. I'm going on six years of disturbed sleep - finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel! Hang in there!! :-)
Hopefully the longer sleep times will come soon!
How funny.. we're dealing with the same insanity!! Ahh, the joys of Motherhood! :)
Awww, I hear you!! Alex is still struggling to sleep all night. 8sigh*
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